1:54 (2016) with English Subtitles

(6 customer reviews)


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1:54 (2016)
1h 46min | Drama | 15 March 2017 (France)


Tim, a shy 16 years old athlete, is both brilliant and talented. But the pressure he undergoes pushes him to the edge, where human limits reach the pint of no return.

User review:

This film is an extraordinary performance by Antoine Olivier Pilon, who seems mature well beyond his years. A story of bullying and homophobia in schools – which could be anywhere – this depiction highlights the sense of entrapment felt by teenagers when in crisis. These are magnified by the power of technology and the omnipresence of the harassment, 24/7.

I have read the earlier reviews and am astounded – did they watch the same film as I had?

This is brilliantly directed, down to the athletics scenes. They were so realistic.

I hate the use of “important” when it comes to movies, but for many confronted by bullying – either as victims or perpetrators – there can be few other words to describe this.

I was profoundly affected by this piece – it was moody, sensitive, raw and brutal.

Director: Yan England
Writer: Yan England
Stars: David Boutin, Guillaume Gauthier, Patrice Godin, Antoine-Olivier Pilon

1:54 (2016) with English Subtitles 1
1:54 (2016)

106 min|Drama, Sport|15 Mar 2017

6.6Rating: 6.6 / 10 from 1,079 users
Tim, a shy 16 years old athlete, is both brilliant and talented. But the pressure he undergoes pushes him to the edge, where human limits reach the point of no return.

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