Swan Lake: The Zone (1990)
Lebedyne ozero. Zona (original title)
1h 36min | Drama | 1990 (Soviet Union)
Storyline:This film tells what it was like to live in the USSR with brutal reality. A convict is forced to hide within a model of a hammer and sickle. Here a tragic romance ensues between the convict and woman worker.User review:This film tells what it was like to live in the USSR with brutal reality.A convict is forced to hide within a model of a hammer and sickle. Here a tragic romance ensues between the convict and woman worker; which is spoilt by the woman’s jealous young son.The convict is then forced to undergo a tragic bid for freedom which ends with the beauty of swans contrasted with the imprisoned convicts and the hopeful but ultimately tragic wait by the woman for her lover.
Director: Yuri Ilyenko
Writer: Sergei Parajanov
Stars: Viktor Solovyov, Lyudmila Efimenko, Pylyp Ilyenko
Country: Soviet Union | Sweden | Canada
Language: Ukrainian
Release Date: 1990 (Soviet Union)
Also Known As: Swan Lake: The Zone
IMDB Profile tt0099995
Swan Lake: The Zone (1990)
Director: Yuri Ilyenko
Writers: Sergei Parajanov
Stars: Viktor Solovyov, Lyudmila Efimenko, Pylyp Illienko
Summary: This film tells what it was like to live in the USSR with brutal reality. A convict is forced to hide within a model of a hammer and sickle. Here a tragic romance ensues between the convict and woman worker.
Also known as: Lebedyne ozero. Zona on DVD
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