The Whaler Boy 2020
Kitoboy (original title)
1h 33min | Drama | 5 September 2020 (Italy)
Storyline:A young hunter sets off an a journey to find a girl he saw on his computer.User review:One of the best films out of venice and my personal favorite. The film has an impressive mise en image and mise en scene, blends documentary and fiction filmmaking while constantly engaging the audience through the characters and the absurdity of the story. From all of the films I’ve seen in Venice and considering that I was part of the Giornate degli Autori Jury this year, and that this was our choice, I would say that “The Whaler Boy” is one of the most ambitious films I’ve seen in a long long time. It will take you by the hand the minute it starts with a purely magical first shot and the joyous yet melancholic ending.
Director: Philipp Yuryev
Writer: Philipp Yuryev
Stars: Vladimir Onokhov, Kristina Asmus, Vladimir Lyubimtsev
Country: Russia | Poland | Belgium
Language: Russian | English
Release Date: 5 September 2020 (Italy)
Also Known As: The Whaler Boy
Filming Locations: Chukotka, Russia
IMDB Profile tt12077032
The Whaler Boy (2020)

Director: Philipp Yuryev
Writers: Philipp Yuryev
Stars: Vladimir Onokhov, Kristina Asmus, Vladimir Lyubimtsev
Summary: A young hunter sets off on a journey to find a girl he saw on his computer.
Also known as: Kitoboy on DVD

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